Cancer is fearful: what is the reason?

Cancer is fearful: what is the reason?


Over the last year, 3715 cancer cases were detected in Karaganda region. According to the oncologist, there are several factors that cause this serious illness. One of the main is the environmental factor.

“Residents of large cities are at risk. Regions with high level of air pollution are especially dangerous. That is, industrial regions. For example, Karaganda and Pavlodar regions,” - says Kalioldina Nurgul Kaissarovna, an oncologist and chemotherapist of the Umit International Oncological Center of TomoTherapy.

Another factor is a lifestyle. Alcohol abuse, smoking, eating junk food, visiting a sun tanning parlor promote the development of cancer. Long-time exposure to the sun also negatively affects the body. It is worth paying attention to whether there are cases of the disease among relatives. Genetic burden increases the risks.

According to the oncologist, the lung cancer and breast cancer are most often detected among patients. But other forms of oncology are also common. Everyone needs to know the symptoms of this serious disease. The first "warning sign" is a sharp weight loss, more than five kilograms.

“It is also necessary to pay attention to the general condition - is there fatigue, joint and headache, weakness, loss of appetite. Other symptoms: persistent cough, blood in sputum, constipation (rotating with diarrhea), fever, lymph nodes can become swollen. Bloody discharge and breast lumps in women. It is necessary to carefully examine the skin cover: do moles change the size, shape or color (a sign of melanoma),” - says the doctor.

The doctor noted that at the first stages, oncology is asymptomatic and does not give rise to complaints in patients. Most often, severe pain occurs when the tumor has already reached the nerve endings. Therefore, people should be responsible for their health and undergo medical examinations.

“It is necessary to undergo medical check-up at least once a year, take blood tests, do not forget to make fluorography. People who have stomach disorders (such as ulcers) should undergo FGDS twice a year,” - continues the oncologist.

There is no need to be afraid to undergo screening and neglect it. Screening is a preventive medical examination of a certain age people to detect the disease at the first stages.

“There are three screenings aimed to detect breast cancer (women aged 40 - 70), cervical cancer (30 - 70 years old) and bowel cancer (men and women from 50 to 70 years old). If you are invited to the screening, you need to postpone everything and go,” - insists the doctor.

It is difficult to answer the question whether cancer is curable or not. It all depends on the stage and form of the disease. The most important thing is to identify oncology in due time, until the tumor becomes malignant (in this case, the disease can win).

So, Karaganda region residents, look after your physical condition, do not say “I will go to the doctor when it will hurt”.

Although it is not easy to make an appointment to a polyclinic (you know our system), you should think about your health.

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