Shayakhmetov Yerzhan Mukhatayevich
DirectorWork experience: 35 years -
Head of the Radiation Oncology DepartmentWork experience: 20 years
Head of the Medical Physics DepartmentWork experience: 10 years
Baiturova Saniya Muratbekovna
Pediatric oncologistWork experience: 6 years -
Radiation Oncologist, Head of the Radiation Oncology DepartmentWork experience: 9 years
Breast OncologistWork experience: 23 years
Breast OncologistWork experience: 40 years
Oncologist-chemotherapistWork experience: 25 years
Oncology gynecologistWork experience: 43 years
Oncologist-chemotherapistWork experience: 16 years
Radiation oncologistWork experience: 7 years
Radiation oncology doctorWork experience: 13 years
Surgeon, laser surgeonWork experience: 6 years
UltrasonographerWork experience: 13 years
Higher category radiotherapistWork experience: 22 years
Breast radiodiagnosis doctorWork experience: 11 years
EndocrinologistWork experience: 25 years
Urologist-andrologistWork experience: 10 years
EndoscopistWork experience: 12 years
Head of the Clinical Diagnostic Department, Breast oncologistWork experience: 18 years
Radiation oncologistWork experience: 3 years