Zharmysheva Zhamal Bibolovna

1987 - Graduated from the Tselinograd Medical School. Specialty “Nurse”. 

2018 – to present time - Orenburg Medical University (higher nursing education).

Qualification upgrade:

2017 - "Astana” Training and Clinical Center" LLP, "The work of a nurse in the department of anesthesiology, resuscitation and intensive care”.

2018 - "Astana” Training and Clinical Center" LLP, "General nursing technologies with a course of emergency first aid".

Professional skills:

  • valid certificate in "Nursing";
  • knowledge of the course of typical surgical interventions and the sequence of instrument delivery;
  • knowledge of sanitary and epidemiological standards;
  • experience with difficult veins;
  • knowledge of anesthetic and respiratory equipment;
  • skills of intravenous, intramuscular and subcutaneous injections;
  • ability to maintain medical records both in paper and electronic form;
  • skills in working with sterilizing medical equipment, knowledge of the rules of asepsis and antiseptics, covering a sterile operating table;
  • confident handling with medical instruments and techniques.